Who is Irina Malinovskaya? In the beginning of 2003, Irina Malinovskaya, a Russian outsider, was an understudy at the College of Pennsylvania. She was a splendid and exquisite young woman who was intending to concentrate on finance at the Wharton School. It was between the start of 2003 and the center of that year that Malinovskaya previously experienced Robert Bondar. The two obviously evolved affections for each other and left on an enthusiastic sentiment. Be that as it may, Robert apparently went to graduate school in Wilmington, Delaware, starting in the fall of 2003.


As per the show, regardless of the way that Robert and Malinovskaya’s affection in the end wore out, the two kept in contact all through the years by sending letters and keeping an easygoing sexual relationship. The two at last began dating, Irina Zlotniko to another person and Robert to Irina Zlotnikov. She was concentrating on drug store in Arizona, yet she made successive outings to see Robert in Delaware. The show suggested, nonetheless, that Malinovskaya and Robert stayed in contact even after their accomplices looked into it.

At the point when Robert got back home to his New Palace Province, Delaware, condo on December 23, 2004, he found Irina Zlotnikov stripped and draining on the kitchen floor. He quickly dialed 911. Impressions should have been visible on her chest and throat, and she had been kicked and beaten over and again on top of being cudgeled in the skull. On the transmission, it was uncovered that examiners guessed a mallet might have been utilized in the homicide. Nothing was taken from the home, in this way the police researched an expected individual rationale.

Ahead, the way highlighted Malinovskaya. Notwithstanding, Robert later expressed that he explicitly requested that she quit reaching and visiting him all through the fall of 2004. He said that Malinovskaya had appeared at his graduate school unannounced in September of 2004. In the show, Robert never gave her his agenda, yet Malinovskaya had the option to sort it out. Despite the fact that that made him miserable, he at last went to get her himself after she professed to be lost and the police were called.

Malinovskaya was associated with murder in light of her fixation and desire, as per the specialists. The police found a leased vehicle in her name, despite the fact that she demanded she had never determined down to meet Robert. Obviously, Robert’s feline was situated in his condo after fur was found inside. The home likewise incorporated a container of cleanser that bore Malinovskaya’s fingerprints. The police found a hook hammer with its head missing by the sink when they looked through her home.

Irina Malinovskaya: Where Could She Currently be? Likewise, the episode referenced that Irina Malinovskaya had wounds on her hands, recommending she might have been engaged with an actual fight. In any case, without a confirmation, the arraignment had to depend vigorously on derivation. Malinovskaya was eventually attempted multiple times, each event with the outcome being a malfeasance. The first was in February 2006, and the jury was halted 11-1 for clearing her. Following a second preliminary in October, the jury couldn’t settle on any of the charges. Indeed, even after three preliminaries, the jury couldn’t conclude whether Malinovskaya ought to be viewed as at fault for first-or second-degree murder.

Malinovskaya, who was 27 at that point, argued no blameworthy to homicide in June 2008 and was allowed a 5-year jail term, diminished to 4-and-a-half years in light of time recently served. She was let out of Baylor Ladies’ Restorative Foundation in New Palace, Delaware in May 2009. Worker and Customs Implementation officials captured Malinovskaya and at last expelled her to Russia. She was unable to recharge her visa on account of her crime conviction. From that point forward, Malinovskaya seems to have decided to stay under the radar, and her ongoing exercises are generally obscure. Russia is still where she was most recently seen.

— Sanoobar Shami (@SanoobarShami) September 16, 2022