Where Is Horseradish In The Grocery Store?

Horseradish is a root vegetable that can be found in the fresh produce section of the grocery store. Different grocery stores will have a different nomenclature system for all the sections they have. Some may call it the fruits and vegetable section as opposed to fresh produce but it is ultimately the best section to look at if you’re wanting to purchase horseradish.


Grocery stores are no different from any type of business with the main goal of selling as many products to cover the costs of running the business. The use of marketing strategies to get consumers to spend even more than what they had planned can be considered the backbone of sales generation in grocery stores.

So how do grocery stores manage to get their customers to buy products they had no intention of buying when they came in? They strategically structure the store in a way that is captivating to your senses and emotions by:

Placing the fresh produce at the entrance of the storeAffixing the aisle labels at the top of each aisleIn aisle pop-up product promotionsPlacing items that have different storage conditions together

1. Placing The Fresh Produce At The Entrance Of The Store

Have you ever noticed that when you walk into a grocery store all you see are flowers and fresh green vegetables that make you think of nature? Grocery stores capitalise on our need to experience refreshment from nature by placing the fresh produce at the store’s entrance. This immediately makes you want to continue going into the store and once you’re in, you’re bound to see something you like and purchase it.

2. Affixing The Aisle Labels At The Top Of Each Aisle

Think about it, walking into the grocery store looking for horseradish when you have no idea where to look can only be resolved in one way and that is looking for the aisle description board. As soon as you look up and browse the boards you may see something else that interests you. At this point, turning into that aisle and picking up that product you had no intention of buying is very likely to happen.

3. In Aisle Pop-Up Product Promotions

If, for example, your favourite chocolate is branded with the words ‘sale, discount, or mark-down‘ you’re very likely going to buy it without a second thought. This works even with products you wouldn’t usually buy. Knowing that something is on sale may make you feel like you have only one chance of buying that product.

4. Placing Complementary Items That Have Different Storage Conditions Together

Imagine you’re looking for a tub of ice cream at the grocery store. You know that it will be in the frozen foods section so you walk over to look for it. As you’re browsing through the ice cream choices you realise that sugar-coated cones are right on top of the ice cream freezers.

Now, why would ice cream cones be stored in the frozen foods section? It’s simple, the products are complementary, and buying one may lead to you feeling like you need the other as well.

So How Can You Use This Information To Find Horseradish In The Grocery Store?

Now that you know how grocery stores strategically place products to get you to buy even the products you don’t need at that time, you should best prepare yourself before your next grocery store trip. Here’s how:

Prepare a list of items you wish to buy

Based on your desired products, visualise the possible category you might find them in the grocery store

Instead of browsing the grocery store to find the items you’re looking for, consider asking the staff on the floor to point you in the right direction.

Is horseradish categorised as a vegetable?

Yes. Horseradish is a root vegetable. It has a very strong taste and smell. If you’re looking for it in a grocery store you can find it in the fresh produce section along with other vegetables.

What if I can’t find horseradish at the grocery store?

The first step in finding a product that you have looked for but cannot find in the grocery store is asking those who work in the store whether they have it in stock. If they do, it may just be in an aisle you didn’t expect it to. If not, consider that it may not be in stock or try another grocery store.

Knowing how to navigate your local grocery store will ensure that you have the best shopping experience at all times. If you’re looking for horseradish, you will most likely find it where other vegetables are located, in the section with fresh produce.