Later the location of their headquarters shifted to Dublin, Ohio in the year 2006. In the year 2018, Wendy’s made its mark in the fast-food chain industry by securing the position of the third-largest fast-food chain of hamburgers in the world, followed by Burger King and McDonald’s. 

The delicacies that are available at Wendy’s consist of Square hamburgers, Sea Salt fries, Chicken sandwiches, Frosty dessert, and salads. However, Square Hamburgers are considered to be the most palatable dish of Wendy’s which is responsible for the fast-food chain’s popularity among the customers.

Sources of meat at Wendy’s:

Hamburgers being the signature dish at Wendy’s, requires proper source and supplies of beef. The company claims to use fresh beef which is not frozen, along with hand-chopped fresh lettuce and salads. Wendy’s has joined hands with several international sources to serve the best quality beef in their hamburgers. 

With the original tagline ‘Quality is our recipe’, the ‘Hot n’ Juicy’ hamburgers have been serving the taste palates of customers ever since. The company uses never frozen beef and the patties for burgers are prepared fresh when ordered. All these efforts are well-supported by the best quality beef suppliers of Wendy’s. 

So let us take a look at sources and supplies that are responsible for providing fresh meat to Wendy’s kitchens:

  1. US Roundtable for Sustainable Beef: The US Roundtable for Sustainable Beef is a non-profit organization that deals with the sustainability of the US beef value chain. The partnership between Wendy’s and US Roundtable for Sustainable Beef took place in the year 2016. 

It is a multi-stakeholder company with a vision to create a better beef supply and value chain. They are a non-profit organization striving to prevent the exploitation of beef value. After the partnership, this non-profit organization holds a special place at Wendy’s and takes decisions regarding the social and economic issues in the beef industry.

2. Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef: After its successful collaborative business with the US branch, Wendy’s also joined hands with the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef in the year 2020. By taking this step, Wendy’s expanded its business in the Canadian beef industry.

  1. Progressive Beef: Progressive Beef has been the most reliable source of meat for Wendy’s delicious hamburgers. Wendy’s is the first-ever fast-food chain alliance with Progressive Beef. Their alliance took place near the end of the year 2018. 

Progressive Beef is an animal care program that facilitates third-party verification of the appropriate raising process of the cattle. They verify whether the feedlot cattle were reared in good conditions and maintain an effective supply of beef to Wendy’s. Progressive Beef is the secret behind Wendy’s fresh, never-frozen meat. 

Progressive Beef operates on the basis of its three key purposes: Animal well-being, Food sanitation, and sustainability. This collaboration has greatly benefited Wendy’s kitchen and proved its former tagline ‘Quality is our recipe’ to be true.

Countries of Supply

Wendy’s tries to have its sources of supply as close as possible so that fresh meat can be delivered to their kitchens. This is the reason why they prefer supplies from the cattle ranches of North America. The other source of beef supply for Wendy’s is located in Australia.

Use of antibiotics

The cattle used for beef supply at Wendy’s consume a certain amount of antibiotics. At Wendy’s, meat is extracted from young cattle. This is so because the less life they have, the lesser amount of antibiotics they will consume. It results in better healthcare for both the consumers as well as the cattle.

  1. Does Wendy’s use real meat?

Yes, the meat used in Wendy’s hamburgers is 100% real and fresh. The hamburger patties are made out of this meat. This meat is mainly beef seasoned with salt and pepper.

  1. Who is the current competitor of Wendy’s?

The biggest competitors of Wendy’s in the current scenario are KFC, McDonald’s, Burger King, and Good times Restaurants. The toughest competition is among Burger King, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s, as these three hold the topmost position in the fast-food chain industry.

  1. Which are the cheapest and most expensive burgers at Wendy’s?

The cheapest burger by Wendy’s is the junior hamburger priced at $1.49. And the most expensive burger by Wendy’s is the Triple bacon jalapeño cheeseburger priced at $8.59. This is the standard pricing scale in the US for Wendy’s.

  1. Is Wendy’s cheaper than Burger King?

No, according to the menu prices of the products, Burger King is cheaper than Wendy’s.

  1. Does Wendy’s provide gift cards for its customers?

Yes, Wendy’s provides gift cards for its customers, which can be used in restaurants, drive-throughs, or online food delivery apps. There are two types of gift cards currently provided by Wendy’s, namely, Gift cards for Individuals and Corporate Gift cards.