When it comes to beef, the cattle have been reared on the picturesque hills and valleys of New Zealand, and the sheep are also raised in similar hills. Similar to the lifestyle of a cow or a buffalo, the pigs come from the fresh valleys of Aotearoa, where they have the freedom to roam and move around.

New Zealand Quality Mark

Being a part of any diet, high-quality ingredients must need to be added to it. when it comes to choosing good and high-quality ingredients, you can rest assured that the meat will be free of any additives when it comes to having a New Zealand Quality Mark. 

The Quality Mark ensures that the beef and mutton you purchase are from New Zealand, consistently lean and tender, and free of growth hormones and additives. The beef and the lambs meet the highest food grade security questions will be made with the New Zealand mark. This ensures a good quality of meat that is both complacent with the rules of animal welfare and food safety.

Price Of New Zealand Meat

Before 2019, the price of 1 kg of chicken was $ 2.78 in 2017 and $ 2.80 in 2018. In 2019, export prices rose 10.085% to the US $ 2.52 per kilogram. Exports of New Zealand chicken to Indonesia, China, Pakistan, Japan, and Thailand in 2019 acquired a high yield market of 4,444 per kilogram.

Peak Demand For NZ Meat In The USA 

Summer in the United States is the season when beef is in high demand. What is best for grilling, commonly referred to as the “BBQ season”? beef. Therefore, seasonal demand is strong. During the seasonal demand, it has been found out that ground beef is one of the most demanded meat-type by the USA from New Zealand.

When it comes to the feed for the cattle, they are fed a healthy diet of grass, which is all-natural for them, instead of the mass-manufactured grain feed. Did you know that the cattle from the dairy industry are also killed for meat in case there is ever a shortage for the same? 

This summer, the seasonal surge in demand was fueled by a strong recovery in the US economy after COVID 19 and the rapid development of vaccination programs. US grocery consumer spending reached record highs in May, surpassing pre-COVID highs in February 2020. Retail sector. Both foodservice buyers and retailers are struggling to secure products as they are not ready for a rapid recovery from COVID 19.

Chicken In New Zealand 

​​Two types of birds, Ross and Cobb, are bred here. Both birds are native to the United Kingdom and the United States and produce excellent meat. Chickens are raised in barns or free-range under strict animal welfare laws. Industry training ensures a high standard of care and care. As an industry, PIANZ works closely with veterinarians, regulatory agencies, scientists, and researchers to maintain bird health and disease-free conditions.

Chicken is a very popular meat and is often the number one choice for American consumers. To meet demand, the poultry industry has 180 farms and employs 3,500 people throughout New Zealand. With government-mandated animal welfare laws in force, and high standards of training, breeding, and systems, New Zealand chicken is in great demand around the world.


New Zealand meat is one of the tastiest types of meat in the world, with a high nutritional content as well. The warm climate, advanced system, and disease-free conditions produce delicious chickens on the table, so we are often referred to as the best place to raise chickens in the world. The pork from New Zealand tastes delicious, and it is also high in nutrients, making it one of the best choices for pork in the world. 

Are Cows Pasture-Fed Or Grain-Fed?

In New Zealand, the cows are pasture-fed and have a natural diet as well.

What Main Types Of Chicken Are Grown In New Zealand?

Ross and Cobb are the two main types of chicken grown in New Zealand.

What Does The New Zealand Quality Mark Stand For?

The New Zealand quality mark stands for the fact that all the meat that is imported from New Zealand is free from all types of additives and chemicals and its taste and texture are also intact.