As mentioned earlier, Kobe meat is produced well in Kobe city, Japan, and it is not just eaten in the country but is a delicacy in high-end restaurants globally. Kobe beef comes from the Wagyu breed of cattle raised in the Kobe region of Japan. There have been many variations of places that claim they are producing Kobe beef, but it is important to be precautious because even when this particular breed of cattle is brought to the US, for example, the beef produced is not Kobe. Kobe meat must be verified and certified by Kobe Beef Marketing and Distribution Promotion Association only.

Kobe meat outside Japan

 Before 2012, Japan was not exporting Kobe beef to other countries it was just being consumed locally but things changed when they realized that they were producing a unique variety of meat that people loved. So the first shipment of Kobe beef ever made was to Hong Kong. Today Japan is the largest exporter of Kobe beef to countries like the US, Thailand, Singapore, Canada, and the UK.

Some Tajima cattle from which Kobe beef is extracted, have been reared in other parts of the world like in the US but they are commonly cross-bred with other cattle. The meat produced in such cases is mostly labeled and marketed as the original Kobe beef but it is not. The Japanese use the method of pure breeding to produce good quality Kobe beef and it cannot be compared to any other type of meat. The original Kobe meat is very expensive because of the extensive and laser-focused methods of breeding used. It can be sold at $200 a pound.

Kobe beef compared to Wagyu beef

Wagyu is the breed of cattle that Kobe meat is derived from. Wagyu in Japanese means beef so Kobe meat is a brand of wagyu meat. Although Kobe beef is the luxury meat best known in the world, Japan also has other more luxurious meats that are reared locally, for example, Matsusaka and Ohmi. It is considered special because it has a national rating scale and a limit to the number of cows that can be slaughtered for Kobe beef at any given time.

When you go to a restaurant looking to eat some Kobe meat, look for the label A5 on the menu as it signifies the real Kobe meat. A5 cattle are the ones that receive the highest designated treatment for their meat to reach the standards required by the Kobe Beef Marketing and Distribution Promotion Association.


The best place to eat some Kobe meat is where it is produced in the city of Kobe, Japan. However, you can also find it all over the country as it has become a delicacy for many people. Outside Japan, it is very tricky to mark out what is real Kobe meat and what is not because there are so many cross-breeds of the Tajima cattle being done all through the world right now. Some several high-end restaurants and shops may stock the original pure-bred Kobe meats. For example, in the United States, there is a shop called the Wagyu Shop which is among the few retailers approved to sell the original Kobe meats. You can get the classical options of Kobe meats like Kobe rib-eye steak, strip loin steak, and filet mignon as well as sashimi and shabu options. There are many sources of the original Kobe meats in countries worldwide, but be sure to check the breed of cows they source from to determine their authenticity.

In conclusion, we must remember that for beef to be confirmed as Kobe beef the animal must be born, raised, and slaughtered in Kobe, Japan using the pure-bred Tajima cattle. The meat must also qualify for the standards set by the Kobe Beef Marketing and Distribution Promotion Association which determines that the Kobe meats are of good quality and fit for consumption and distribution.

Can anyone sell Kobe beef in the US?

The name ‘Kobe beef’ is not regulated by law in the US so it is quite easy to label any meat as Kobe beef. There are a few restaurants and shops, however, that are approved as retailers for the original high-quality Kobe meats.

Is Wagyu beef the same as Kobe beef?

Wagyu means beef and Kobe beef is beef produced in the city of Kobe. Apart from that, there are specific differences in the quality of both types of meat. Kobe is considered higher quality but there are other types of wagyu beef.

What are the other types of high-quality meat in Japan?

There are quite a number of them in the country with Kobe meat being the most well-known. There is also Matsusaka and Ohmi which are even higher quality than Kobe meats.