Best Buy as a store has almost all the products related to electronic items and more. If you want to purchase any electronic gadget from Best Buy but you are somewhere far away from its store, then you may try the online shopping options it has. You can go to Best Buy’s website and order whatever you want. Now, you may be curious about how Best Buy ship and where does it ship from. All the questions related to Best Buy and its shipping methods are discussed here. 

All About Best Buy and Their Shipping methods

Nowadays when almost, everything is digital, you can easily shop while scrolling your phone. All the stores around the world can be easily accessed through your phone. When this happens, many people get curious. They want to know how stores like Best Buy are shipping items from far away. They want to know the distribution centers they have and the entire process of shipping items. So, if you are that person, you are at the right place. Here all your doubts will be crystal cleared. 

Best Buy claims to have 23 distribution stores all around the United States. But this is not it. Each product is different and requires special attention. That is why Best Buy also has warehouses for expensive products like television sets or personal computers. At times Best Buy also ships directly from their store location. If you want to know from where your order will be shipped, please know that it depends on the type of product you have ordered. 

Distribution Centers at Best Buy

As mentioned above, Best Buy has 23 distribution centers and the names of some of those centers are given below:

Piscataway. New JerseyCompton, CaliforniaChicagoSan FranciscoAtlantaFindlay, OhioCurtis Bay, MDFlower Mound, TXBellingham, MAPolk City, FLStaunton, VA

Shipping Cost at Best Buy

If you have ordered an item from Best Buy online, you must know that shipping cost is also charged apart from the price of your product. It is because shipping is quite expensive, but the cost depends on the type of product you have ordered and the type of shipping method you have opted for. At times Best Buy may provide you with free shipping, this mostly happens during festivals or when there is a sale going on. 

Best Buy’s Shipping Policy

Yes, Best Buy does have a shipping policy where they provide their customer with three different types of shipping options. 

The first one is standard shipping and it takes almost 4-8 business days to ship your order. The second one is the Expedited shipping method, and it takes three business days to ship your order, but it is more costly compared to the Standard method. Last but not least, there is an Express shipping method that takes not more than two business days to ship your order, and it is quite obvious that it is expensive as compared to the other two methods stated above. 

But what happens if your product is not delivered to you. No worries, you can easily ask for a replacement product within 60 days of your purchase via email, and you will be good to go. 


Best Buy is an American company that is famous for its electronics appliances, computing devices, mobile phones, and various other products. You can also order products from Best Buy online. Everything about Best and their shipping methods including their shipping cost and distribution centers was discussed in detail. Best buy shipping policy and its different shipping methods were also explained. All your doubts related to shipping must be cleared by now. 

What is the shipping carrier used by Best Buy to ship online orders?

Best Buy uses UPS, FedEx, and USPS as their shipping carrier to ship their online orders. Other than these OnTrac, Lone Star Overnight(LSO), Deliv, Shipt, and Roadie are also used by Best Buy but only in some selected areas. 

What is the total time taken by Best Buy to get the order ready for shipping?

Best Buy services are very fast. They don’t take more than 1 one hour to get their product ready for shipping. You will be easily able to track your order’s situation through your phone.