This shows the importance of sight. If the car has a horn but lacks a headlight, that car cannot move in the evening when the sun has set for the day, because without light you don’t have directions. The same goes for the eyes, it is our direction to how we interact with our world. Therefore, the sustenance of sight is very important for safe and healthy living.

One of the challenges of eyesight is blurriness and dryness that occur often as a result of age, eye strain, some sickness that causes high blood sugar, hereditary corrupted genes, careless childhood exposure excessive exposure to screen light and sunray while growing up, etc., there are so many reasons for blurred or dried eyes.

But whatever the case, there are ways to curb and manage such conditions, either medically or nonmedically. One of the nonmedical ways is the use of protective or corrective glasses.

Corrective or protective comes in handy for those in need, either young or old people who suffer from eye problems. This is where the donation of old, abandoned eyeglasses comes in handy. When you donate your old eyeglasses, you can be helping to correct or protect someone else’s eyesight with your glasses; thereby saving a life (dream or future). Some of them are: Lighthouse Foundation, Walmart, America’s Best, Salvation Army, and many other are mentioned below: 

But having the will to do so is only half the task, you need to know where to donate your old eyeglasses so that they can be used for the intended purpose; to support those who are in need and can’t afford one. In this article are several places where you can donate your old glasses.


OneSight is a well-renowned non-profit association dedicated to alleviating eye problems and similar crises for our better. The organization’s headquarters is located in Malson, Ohio, U.S. Despite their acceptance of old eyeglasses, they only give out new ones.

Lighthouse Foundation 

The LightHouse foundation is an organization that provides eye support through glasses, surgeries, and other clinical methods. The organization’s headquarters is in Atlanta Georgia. They are known for providing affordable low-cost eye service in the state and global distribution of recycled glasses.

Lens Crafter

The Lens Crafter is an international organization that is involved in clinical and retail dealings concerning eyeglasses. They are known for selling prescribed eyeglasses including sunglasses as well as distributing donated ones to those in need of them. They are located in Mason, Ohio in partnership with OneSight.

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is a Christian-based charitable organization, that offers help to other disabled persons besides blind folks. They accept all kinds of donations including old eyeglasses. It is located in London, UK.


Walmart is a multinational retail business that is involved in chains of supermarkets, departmental stores, and grocery stores. They are located in Bentonville, Arkansas, US. They accept donations including reading, prescribed, and sunglasses.

America’s Best

America’s Best is a retail store that is in partnership with Lions Club International and other nonprofit organizations that deals in eye care services. They accept old eyeglasses from volunteers and distribute them to those who need them through charitable organizations.

David King

This organization is involved in retailing prescription and non-prescription eyeglasses. They accept and distribute donated old prescription eyeglasses from volunteers to those in need of them. More so, they allow customers to exchange their old ones to buy a new one with a certain discount.

God will

This organization accepts among other useful items, old eyeglasses from volunteers. They usually distribute to the needy through charitable organizations. Also, they hand out the donated old eyeglasses to low-income earners in need of them.

They are so many people who need help with their vision for whatever reason that be the case. A simple donation of your old eyeglasses might be the help someone else needs to live a life of happiness and clarity.

How can I donate my old eyeglasses?

You can donate your old eyeglasses by visiting the office of recipient organizations with your glasses and doing needful paperwork to get them done.

What kind of eyeglasses can I donate?

You can donate any of the three eyeglasses; prescribed, corrections, or sunglasses. As long as they are clean and not cracked.

What will happen to my donated eyeglasses?

When you donate your old eyeglasses, they will be taken through a charitable organization to those in need of it.