Where Can I Weigh Myself For Free?

To discover your weight, you need a measuring scale. And please, not that kitchen scale! Surprisingly, however, despite being weight-conscious, most of us don’t have a scale in our homes. Lots of reasons could be responsible for this, but that doesn’t matter anyway. There are some places you can walk into to have our weights checked at zero cost like certain clinics, hotels, drug stores and so on! Let’s read more about Where Can I Weigh Myself For Free?

A list of conducive zero-cost weight-checking locations

1. The school clinic

Are you a high school or college student, or do you work in those places? If yes, then the very first place you should visit to get your weight checked for free is your institution’s clinic. Most government-accredited schools do have clinics.

All you need to do is walk in, talk to the nurse, and she will have you directed to wherever the scale is. Since it’s your school and you paid for health care with tuition (probably), once you’re done with the weight checking, your kg/pound number will be reviewed by the nurse, and you’ll receive an appropriate counseling or further check-up, if necessary.

2. The drug store

All high-quality pharmacies have a weight scale, and yes, customers are allowed to walk in and make use of them free of charge. Lots of pharmacies are available around you, and if you’re not sure about how to locate them, a quick google search will come in handy. 

As a plus, since the pharmacy is also a medical entity, the result of your weight test can be discussed with the pharmacist (if you’re willing), and appropriate measures for your well-being will be suggested.

3. The gym

If you’re looking to start your fitness journey, the gym should be your first stop, and before your instructor can decide the kind of training that’s befitting for you, your weight will be the first thing to figure out. So there, you get a free shot at using a scale. 

On the contrary, if you’re not looking to delve into fitness, but you’d like to check out your weight, it wouldn’t hurt to go into the gym and ask if you can observe the facilities (Note: Portray yourself as a potential customer and be respectful). You’ll surely not be refused, and that’s an opportunity to quickly hop on a scale and check out that number!

4. The hotel

Most hotels, especially highly-rated ones, do have bathroom scales. Keep in mind that you’ll need to lodge in a hotel before you can have access to their bathroom and, subsequently, bathroom scale. So, this option may not be your first resort, but it’ll be great to have it in mind. You might find yourself visiting a friend lodged in a hotel. Simply ask to use their bathroom.

5. The hospital

Checking your weight at a hospital is free. But you probably wouldn’t have any reason to be there except you’re ill. And of course, the doctor has to compulsorily request that your weight be taken as part of the physical examination- protocol.

But if you’re visiting a sick friend or relative, you could utilize the opportunity to use the weight scale. Perhaps you should first check with the hospital nurse if it’s okay to do so.

The appropriate manner of weighing yourself

To ensure that you get an accurate measurement, it would be wise to take note of the following:

Weigh yourself, preferably, early in the morning, before having breakfast. If it’s during the day, then make sure it’s before you’ve had lunch, or if it’s at the close of the day, before dinner. Check your weight every week or month as opposed to every day. This is to avoid obsessional weight-checking, which could potentially result in frustration.


Now we have learnt ‘Where Can I Weigh Myself For Free?’, It isn’t how far, but how well. Regardless of how long it takes to attain your dream weight, as long as you stick to your meal plans, exercise, or whatever approach you decide to embark on, that body will eventually come. Please keep in mind to maintain a healthy approach to weight loss or weight gain and seek professional help before embarking on any meal plan.

Can I check my weight using my mobile device?

The answer is a resounding no! You may come across some mobile applications requiring you to, perhaps, step on your phone to find out your weight. The only thing you’ll find out afterward is a cracked screen. Some apps might require you to wiggle the phone. This might not harm your screen but just keep in mind that the probability you get an accurate weight measurement is low.

Is it alright to check my weight every day?

You can, if you want to. But like I explained earlier, this obsession has the potential to cause frustration when you don’t see a reduction or increase in your weight, thus leading to self-loathing and low self-esteem. Remember, healthy weight loss or weight gain doesn’t happen overnight.

Can I check my weight without a scale?

Yes, you can. But no, you will not get accurate measurements.