They are as follows:

Efreet Malum – Berg Volcano, Calagia Luo Undine – Fogwharl Limestone Caverns, Ganath Haros Grand Gnome – Tietal Plain, Elde Menancia Procella Sylph – Mount Dhiara, Elde Menancia

Defeating each of these creatures will reward you with one trophy each. Additionally, once all four have been toppled, you will unlock a new title for Alphen, fittingly called ‘The Vanquisher of Four Lights’.

Where To Find Each Zeugle

#1 Main Story – Efreet Malum

Efreet Malum is the most straightforward creature to discover, simply because it’s a mandatory part of the main story. While progressing through Berg Volcano in order to reach the peak of a particularly high mountain in Calaglia, you’ll come across this boss fight. Much like the first time you encountered this creature all the way back when you toppled the first Lord, you won’t be fighting it one on one. Instead, it will summon a number of minions and large attacks that you’ll have to fight and dodge respectively. Eventually you’ll be able to take it on directly to land the killing blow. Finishing off Efreet Malum will earn you the achievement ‘Unrelenting Blaze’ along with a shiny new title to go along with it. This is a particularly good title as it unlocks the Flame Strike ability Incineration Wave, which is one of Alphen’s most powerful artes.

#2 Untamable Rage – Luo Undine

To fight Luo Undine, you’ll do so as part of the side quest discovered in Thistylm entitled ‘Untamable Rage’. The purpose of the side quest is to unlock a new fishing spot, located right in the depths of the dangerous Fogwharl Limestone Caverns. You’ll find Luo Undine lurking right at the back of the caverns, just before the fishing spot. Thankfully, as with most of these fights, there is a campsite nearby for some quick R&R before you get stuck into a difficult fight! Note: Be cautious to not get overwhelmed courtesy of the many minions that Luo Undine will summon over the course of the battle, as you’ll have to also face him directly simultaneously. Killing Luo Undine will net you the achievement entitled ‘Raging Current’. Turning in the side quest will also net you the following rewards:

1 x Sushi Recipe 1 x Lucky Golden Cat Statue 1 x Burning Blood 36,800 Gald

#3 Spirit Temple – Grand Gnome

Locating the Grand Gnome is a little more complex than some of the other fights, since they’re at the end of a rather unique dungeon that only appears very late into the game. To begin his associated side quest, talk with the quest giver hanging out by the wagon on the west side of the Traslida Highway. Then you’ll be directed to a mysterious new structure in the nearby Tietal Plain. Pass through the portal to get started. Like the Fogwharl Limestone Caverns, you’ll have to traverse a dungeon before you can actually tackle the Grand Gnome itself. This dungeon is fairly unique in that you’re constantly in the combat interface, even if you aren’t currently facing any enemies. Be sure you’re stocked up and prepared before entering here! The dungeon itself is relatively straightforward to navigate. It initially appears as though it may be a bit of a maze with its various different portals, but thankfully you can’t actually go back on yourself as the portals won’t activate for a two-way trip, so you can only keep moving forwards. The Grand Gnome itself is a tough fight, even though it sits back and lets its minions do the talking. You’ll be fighting many of the creatures which you already encountered in the dungeon, as well as a particularly nasty miniboss called Vas Phein. Once they’ve been defeated, simply wail on the Grand Gnome’s exposed core and it’ll die in no time. Killing the Grand Gnome will grant you the achievement ‘Quaking Continent’. Additionally, turning in the Spirit Temple side quest will net you the following:

1 x Golden Suit of Armor 50 SP 16,800 Gald

#4 Farewell Mage – Procella Sylph

The last of the four lights is located at the top of the Tower of the Wind Spirit, found on the Ridge of Mount Dhiara. I hope you aren’t afraid of heights! To begin the side quest, speak to Baephon in Niez. You’ll be directed to this location and will need to ascend the tower when given the choice. It’s rather a long way up, so be grateful for the cardio training! There are no zeugles haunting the stairwell upon your ascension, so you’ll reach the top with no issue. But you’ll immediately be thrust into the boss encounter with Procella Sylph. The fight is structured very similarly to the Grand Gnome, as you’ll be taking down waves of smaller minions, then a big minion, before taking on the boss’ core directly. Tip: Shionne is a must here, considering almost every enemy in this fight spends most of their time in the air. After falling several Sylph Feathers, you’ll be taking on Sylph Zloa, a tough miniboss that’s strong against the wind but weak to earth attacks. After dropping it & after a quick time event, Alphen alone ends up on the back of the main event, Procella Sylph itself. You won’t be entirely alone, as there are four distinctly unfriendly Tempestuous Masses waiting to greet you. Thankfully they can be eliminated easily or simply ignored by wailing on the core. The core will die very quickly, and then so will Procella Sylph. Killing Procella Sylph will earn you the achievement ‘Billowing Cyclone’. Turning in the side quest will net you the following rewards:

1 x Drum of the Legend 65 SP 36,800 Gald

Your Final Reward

After falling all four of the lights, you’ll receive your final reward. This takes the form of a title for Alphen called the ‘Vanquisher of the Four Lights’ which immediately grants him +1 AG. Additionally, the following bonuses and abilities can be purchased from the title:

Thunderous Devastation – 800 SP Increased Down Damage – 960 SP Increased Counter Attack Critical Hit Rate – 1200 SP Increased Boost Gauge from Enemy Downs – 1200 SP

The completion bonus from this title is a nice Attack + 50 boost for Alphen.

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