Poaba Bags are made in Los Alamitos in California. However the official site claiming any such details does not exist anymore. There are various shipping companies in different parts of the world that are tied with Poaba Bags. Different countries and cities around the world are retailers and ship poaba bags. Few of those are China, Canada, USA and India. It is particularly a small business that started in 2020 on the internet. 

Steps to order Poaba bags:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3 

Step 4

Step 1- Search –

You can search “Poaba Anti Theft Bags” on the web and get a list of options to order the bags from. You can either choose to order it from the official website “The Poaba Collection” or any of the retailers such as amazon, flipkart, ebay, etc. small retailing websites also sell poaba bags along with other things. You can choose the appropriate place for you to order the bag. 

Step 2 – Choose The Product –

After deciding where to buy the product from, you can choose from the various patterns and colors. You can also select your preferable size and style of bag. It has different features and styles fitting for different purposes. You can pick the bag suitable for you. 

Step 3 – Make Payment –

Once you pick the bag/bags you want, you have to make payment for the same to confirm your order. Payment method may vary depending upon the retailer website. While making the payment you should be careful and should not get trapped in various fraudulent activities. 

Step 4 – Order Confirmed –

Now that your order is confirmed, you may receive the product in the due time mentioned by the retailer site. You may also receive emails and texts to track the product and be in the loop of the delivery for the same. You can contact the retailing site in case of any issue or concerns. Customer service contact is provided and can be used for the same. 

How To Return A Poaba Bag?

In case of any issue with the product, you can contact the customer service of the retailers and/or process for an exchange or refund within 30 days. Asking for a change after the set period will be rejected in any circumstance. You can also cancel the order within 24 hours of order confirmation. Canceling after that period of time will not be accepted. After picking up the package, you may get the payment back in 3-7 working days. 

How Much Does A Poaba Bag Cost?

The cost of the bag depends on the type of bag you prefer to buy. It can range anywhere between 20 US Dollars to 70 US Dollars. The price can depend on the size of the bag. Poaba bags vary in terms of styles such as shoulder bag, backpack, side bag, etc which can affect the cost of the bag. You may be charged according to your preference and choice of bag. You can also avail the various offers and get a lower price for the product. 


Poaba bags are extremely new and convenient for the users as it has pretty patterns and colors and also provides anti-theft compartments and is safe for the customer as it is far from the reach of thieves. Poaba Bags company is located in California and is tied to various shipping companies around the world for an easy customer experience. It is most liked by the customers as it brings new features to avail from and can be changed to different styles and has pretty designs. 

Can you order poaba bags on Cash on delivery?

Which is the best retailer company for The Poaba Bags?

The retailing companies only take care of the shipping and payment and the quality of customer experience depends on company to company. You can always choose a reliable retailer for your order as it will give you a hassle free experience and you can always reach out to them and they can be held accountable in case of any discrepancies.  

Few of such websites and companies are amazon, flipkart, snapdeal, etc. They are reliable and trusted companies and provide a good service to the customers and can be held accountable.

Can I use the bag for traveling?

You can buy a Poaba travel bag for traveling purposes which is very spacious and strong. It also consists of an anti theft compartment for your safe experience. The bag can also be used in different ways depending on the requirement of the customer. It can be changed into a shoulder bag or side bag. 

Is the fabric waterproof of Poaba bags?

The fabric used to make the Poaba bags are waterproof and protect the inside of the bag along with all your valuable belongings. Its waterproof material helps you to use the bag in any condition or weather and will always protect your things.