Loqi is a very famous name in the bag industry, and the thing that makes them famous is their eco-friendly nature and customer satisfaction. But how come they have so many satisfied customers? They serve their customers every time they have an amazing design and print it over it. And you are a customer of Loqi, so you must know it well. You have undoubtedly examined the designs and prints on it and are aware of their various price ranges. So it does not need to say more about that. Loqi is a Chinese brand and they have a well-established factory there where they have a small number of workers who work delicately for their company. 

What Exactly Is Loqi?

Loqi is a brand that serves stylish, modern, and customised bags to its customers. You can get almost all types of bags in the Loqi store, from normal bags to zip-pockets and laptop covers. They had not left anything that came within the range of bags. They mainly design their bags by collaborating with different artists around the world, and after getting a great design, they give it shape with eco-friendly and sustainable materials. And with its preparation and marketing strategy, it has expanded to different parts of the world. You can find the bags made by Loqi in India, Mongolia, France, Germany, and Australia. In which part of the world are you looking for their bags? Either my name is here or we have left something. Anyway, if we talk about the work experience at Loqi, you will find it great there as it provides a very nice work experience for their workers and designers, and their level of comfort is also reflected in their designs. Does it get manufactured in the countries listed here or just sold there?

Where Are Loqi Bags Made?

Loqi comes from Chinese origin. We have mentioned it earlier, but does it manufacture its products only in China or somewhere else? So Loqi is made in China and their factory is in China, but the main work happens in Berlin, Germany, and Greenpoint, USA. All the design work, assembling, and other works in manufacturing the bags are done there. The factory in China has only 30% of the total share of the company. So you can get Loqi bags from Germany, the United States, or China. So the preparation place may be different, but the brand authenticity is the same everywhere, which is the main matter of concern. The authenticity of any brand makes us evaluate the quality they serve their customers. 

We have told you earlier about any certifications, and now the time has come to know about those certifications.

Certifications For Proving The Authenticity Of Loqi

Greencircle Jiaren – It is a company that prepares fabrics from polyester fibres. They have very large units to do this work to a large extent, and they have certified the Loqi for their emergency efforts in preparing the recycled bags.

Standard 100 By Oeko-Tex: You should be aware of the Oeko-Tex certification, which is given to those companies that produce sustainable products without producing any harmful substances. It is given to the players in the battleground of the textile industry. Oeko-Tex certification is achieved by following the various measures and Loqi is following all the measures so it is certified with Oeko-Tex.

Global Recycle Standard 4. 0 (GRS 4. 0) Certification: Another certification is now available for the recycling industry. Loqi is continuously enhancing the use of recycled items in producing designer bags. So it is accredited with GRS 4. 0, which is very proud of us also as a customer of Loqi.

The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI): This certification is given to those companies which are working towards the wellness of their labour force, and we told you earlier that Loqi is very famous for providing well-suited surroundings for their designers and workers at their factory.

FSC® Certified Packaging – After reading the four certifications, you will certainly understand everything about the Loqi, but one thing is left: packaging. This certification is given to those companies by FSC, a non-profit organisation that uses recycled paper and cartons for packaging. Loqi uses 100% recycled paper for packaging purposes.

So, these certifications will surely make you feel confident about the ethicality of Loqi. It also makes you feel that you are using an ethical and sustainable brand. With the place of manufacturing of Loqi bags, we have shared a lot of useful information with you. In that useful piece of information we have shared about Loqi, we give a detailed description of the locations where the manufacturing of Loqi bags is done with great care and eco-friendly materials. Now we hope that you get all the information that you need, along with other useful and important information that you must know.