What is the Social Security?

It is the employment insurance scheme in the United States of America established in …….to alleviate the need for a retirement fund for retired employees and their beneficiaries. It was and is still geared at financially assisting the unemployed, disabled, and retired/pensioners.

Who is eligible to obtain such a benefit?

It is for all Unitetates of American citizens or permanent residents and non-immigrant workers who are based in the United States.

For one to be eligible to obtain such a benefit, they would have been employed and a contributor towards the fund with their employer. It is also a requirement that the employee can attain at least 40 credits to be even considered for the insurance scheme. 

Does everyone receive the social security benefit?

Apart from the direct payer of the scheme, as per requirement, the beneficiaries such as the spouses, cand children, and parents of the benefactor are recipients thereof. They become AUTOMATIC recipients whether they are unemployed or never counted towards the scheme.

above-illustratedlustrated understanding of what social security and what it entails, it is imperative to delve into the pertinent subject of whether the scheme will evruny run out? The fe of the social security is uncertain.

The Annual Report 2021 from the Board of Trustees stated unequivocally the following:

It is the finding of the board that the schepossibly in trouble, due to the extended life expectancy of the retirees VS the working-age population in the UnitedThey contendontention that by 2035 the discrepancy would have been a difference of 22 million. Meaning that more money would have to be paid out of the insurance scheme.

And if this shortfall is not rectified, then it would entail that the repaid out paid out a lesser percentage of their bench fits in the future.

It is also the contention of the Annual Report 2021 that if by 2035 changes are made the benefits would have reduced by 22% and this would be a huge financial loss for the bene, fiduciaries especially the elderly coupled and singles.

Joseph E. Rseman Jr:- Social Security expert and contributing Editor for Investment news, was quoted as saying: 

“The ramifications of that event would be beyond traumatic to everyone in the country…. You’ve got a national disaster on your hands” He continues to hope against all congress will intervene before 2035 to prevent such a disaster.

Whilst on the other hand some other experts have their doubts: Mary Beth Franklin a Social Security expert contends that such a huge cut will not occur. Quoted as follows:

“As pensions are disappearing, people relying on are relying more on social security……….polwon’tians won’t want to tinker with benefits for existing retirees and will likely have to find other solutions to the trust fund shortfall.”

There have been suggestions that have been put forth to balance the budget:

I quote:

Raising the payroll tax rate. Increasing the wages subject to social security taxes. Raising full recruitment age. Reducing the annual cost-of-living adjustment. Cutting benefits.

Checin-depth depth analysis above-mentioned mentioned various possible actions were outlined in the article, ‘When Social Security Runs Out: What the Programme will look like in 2035’ by Cameron Huddleston, Life and Money Columnist. 


In light of the above comments and observation by various authorities, one would argue, as in conclusion, that the social security scheme is not likely to run out any time soon if the ‘powers that be’ have anything to do with it. Stringent measures will be put in place to prevent such an occurrence.

Frequently asked questions

What year will the social security run out?

Answer: It is the contention of the Board of Trustees for social security that it is envisaged that it will run out by 2035.

Will social security be around in 45 years?

Answer: The board contends that the taxes currently paid are currently deposited directly into the social security trust fund and are being disbursed to the current beneficiaries but will be depleted by 2041

Will social security ever run out?

Answer: The estimation by the social security administration is that the current excess reserves will only be able to cover 78% of the recipients’ full benefits from 2034 unless Congress makes a move to change that prediction.