Yes, the ARK: Survival Evolved game will be available on PlayStation 4.

Yes, Ark Survival 2 will be available on PlayStation 4.

Yes, Ark will be free on PS4.

Ark: Survival Evolved is available on the PlayStation 4.

No, Ark 2 will not have guns.

There are a total of 127 dinos in Ark. This includes the main dino characters, as well as the creatures that you can tame and ride.

No, Ark 2 will not have PvP.

ARK: Survival Evolved is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The game is about the size of a standard DVD case.

Yes, ARK is split screen.

The new ARK update for PS4 is approximately 2GB.

There is no new update for ARK PS4 at this time.

Cryo sickness is caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood. The first step is to give the person oxygen and then transport them to a hospital. If the person has a heart attack, they may need to be given CPR.

There are three bosses in Ark Ragnarok – the Dragon King, the Witch Queen, and the War God.

There are many cool dinosaurs in Ark, but the coolest might be the T-Rex.

The strongest Tameable creature in Ark is the Bull.

There is no one biggest flying dino in Ark. However, some of the largest flying dinosaurs include the Argentinosaurus, Deinonychus, and Quetzalcoatlus. These dinosaurs were all significantly larger than any other known flying animal and likely had wingspan lengths of over 30 feet.

Ark is the name of the first decentralized digital asset platform. The name was chosen because it is simple, memorable, and easy to pronounce.

Ark 2 will not have tames.