When Does Unemployment Pay?
I think unemployment pays more than our employed folks. This may sound ridiculous but if you critically analyze the lives of certain great leaders or world changers, they were mostly found in the unemployed category. In those times it was no news when you became a school dropout. Unemployment denotes a state in which an individual does not have a fixed job with a fixed salary enough to provide for his or her basic needs. Generally, the educational system does not allow students to embrace unemployment. Fortunately, it is the bridge to the fulfillment of one’s purpose. Many school dropouts remained unemployed for a very long time until they discovered who they truly were. The moment they realized that they had something powerful enough to change the world, they became convinced about their state. As they faced the frustrating shadows of unemployment, they submitted themselves to an intense search for knowledge, building capacity, and releasing their potential through sleepless nights, hard work, etc. As their colleagues were busy at the Office working on unnecessary files and giving unnecessary orders. Unemployment begins to pay when one realizes his true potential and goes all out to release it to the benefit of the world. Interestingly, it does not often pay in cash in the early stages but gradually unleashes the abundance of its wealth.
How Does Unemployment Pay?
One of the ways by which unemployment pays is by making you realize it is not a job that makes one successful. The idea of success is not all about working in an 8-5 job for 10 years only not to enjoy the fruit of your labor. The moment an individual becomes unemployed he begins to think quickly about how to make money and make it faster. Though this does not look encouraging, it is the only way certain crucial questions about who you can be asked. The difference between the employed and the unemployed is that the employed receive a fixed salary at the end of the month whereas the unemployed does not. I know you might be wondering how possible unemployment pays but it truly pays. The most important factor here is to know is for the unemployed to see the place of awareness as a necessary ingredient to begin the payment process. If you don’t begin to ask yourself certain questions like, Why am I here on earth?, What is my purpose for existence? etc, you cannot be paid. I believe every individual must find his purpose for existence and measure his success based on that. The unemployed have no expectations for a monthly salary but could earn daily if they start their own business and work effectively to scale it.
Do People Choose Unemployment As A Means To Be Paid?
Nobody sees being without a job as a wise decision to make because this rather makes you appear unserious. Society has carved the image of unemployment as the destroyer of dreams and aspirations. Therefore choosing to be unemployed means you are going to suffer to make ends meet. People rather choose two jobs that would keep them busy and bring them some money enough to sustain them than stay without even one. Unfortunately, most people do not accept unemployment as a means to be paid. What does it pay with? Who pays you? are all questions that seem irrational. A realistic view would suggest that people do not choose unemployment as a means to be paid. The bargain is always with the employer and the employee negotiating terms and conditions.
In conclusion, many factors favor being employed as the only way out to success but this is not always the case. The notion of unemployment I think pays the highest because it triggers the realization of purpose and once this happens, all the wealth of the world would come in search of the unemployed. In every way, we must understand payments are made in different forms and at different places. It is quite interesting what you mean by using them.
1. Which country has the most unemployed people?
Burundi. This is because they are the poorest country in the world.
- Do you need a job to be successful?
No. Being successful is not about having a job. Many people have become successful in business but failed to be good fathers.