About ULTA Beauty 

ULTA Beauty is among the most recognized beauty centers in America. The store deals in beauty products, cosmetics, and even a few health and wellness products. Your body needs its supplements through vitamins and food, but it also needs nourishment from the outside to bring the glow on! ULTA beauty aids in the same with its range of products, right from serums, masks, makeup, and more. 

ULTA Beauty Restocking Policy

A large and grand store sells millions of products for every need of your style and body. You would want to know how safe and efficient they are. ULTA Beauty is well aware of its business and ethics and also has a loyal crowd to cater to. 

Therefore, unlike many other salons and beauty centers, ULTA beauty restocks once or even thrice a week. However, if the need is more, they are always ready to get you more by restocking any time in the week, even beyond the regular restocking period. 

Usually, the stores restock during the week and avoid doing the same on weekends. There are multiple reasons for this as well. The major reason is that during weekends, the crowd is naturally more than during the week, and consuming time over restocking is not the best business strategy. One can conclude that ULTA beauty, therefore, restocks when the crowd is neutral or low. 

That’s not all. There are other factors that ULTA beauty considers before they can restock. These are: 

Arrival or products 

ULTA beauty decides when to restock during the week based on when they receive deliveries and when the products that have to be shipped arrive. After that, they can consider other factors to complete the restocking process. Usually, the store restocks the next day after the products have been delivered. 

Requirement on shelves

No store will restock if the shelves are full. Same thing with ULTA beauty. They consider the status of the shelves and racks and restock and even place their orders as per the same. However, being a top beauty center, it is not an alien fact that their products are quickly consumed and purchased. 

Employee status 

ULTA beauty needs to see the availability of employees to consider restocking. When the employees are not on full duty or if there is other store work to be completed, they may avoid restocking on usual dates. However, the other way round, if they have more time on their hands than usual, they may consider restocking earlier than usual! 

Crowd flow 

The beauty center avoids restocking when the crowd flow is strong. With many customers coming in, it is natural that employees and staff would be preoccupied with catering to them. Therefore, restocking would then be left out for later, perhaps after the store closes or even during the weekends. The crowd flow affects the restocking schedule too. 

Restocking on ULTA Beauty’s Website 

For those who weren’t aware, ULTA beauty has a website where one can purchase their products. Needless to say, restocking is required for the website products as well. There is no confusing process, though. 

When it comes to online restocking, ULTA beauty just has to wait till the products arrive and then change the status of the products on the site. They follow the same policy for the website, although dates may differ as they may consider giving priority to the in-store products or may even consider the availability status of products on the site. 


No matter your skin or hair texture, ULTA beauty has all the right products you need to enhance your looks and give you a unique style. Whether you’re looking for a bold, matte, glossy, or even subtle look, ULTA beauty covers it all! Apart from selling products, they also have a selected range of services such as the ULTA salon and more. Their restocking process is frequent and orderly, so you don’t have to compromise or miss out on any of their products!

Does ULTA beauty have a fixed day to restock? 

 No, ULTA beauty does not have a fixed restocking day in a week as such. The store conducts a mandatory restocking once a week, though. 

Does ULTA beauty restock in bulks? 

While it is suggested that stores restock in bulk to save time, ULTA beauty also looks at products individually and restocks as per the requirement.