Sony discontinued the PS4 Slim in early 2018.

PS4 Slim is a newer model of the PS4 that was released in 2016. It has a slimmer design and comes with a smaller hard drive. Some people say that it is better than the original PS4 because it is more energy efficient. Others say that the differences are minimal and that both consoles are great.

PS4 Pro first.

Yes, the PS4 Slim is still available.

Yes, the PS4 Slim can do 4K.

A PlayStation 6 is not currently in production, and there is no set price or release date for it.

PS4 will not be obsolete for at least 5-10 years.

There are three different PS4 models – the original, the Slim and the Pro.

The PS4 Slim is a great choice if you’re looking for an affordable gaming console. It has a smaller size and lighter weight than the original PS4, making it easier to move around and more comfortable to use. Additionally, it has some minor performance improvements over the original PS4. However, there are also some downsides to consider.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on your individual preferences. Some people might prefer the older PlayStation models, while others may prefer the more recent versions. Ultimately, the best PlayStation for you will depend on what you are looking for in a gaming system.

There is no way to get 120 FPS on the PS4 slim without a game modification.

Sony has not confirmed the existence of a PS5 4K model, and there is no evidence to support the claim that one exists. Sony is instead focusing on developing 8K models for its gaming platforms.

There is no PS5 slim.

PS4 will be online for up to 12 hours after a power outage.

There is no definitive answer, but there are some indications that suggest the PS4 may not have a long lifespan. Sony has been releasing new models of the PS4 every year or two, and it’s possible that they may stop doing this in the future. Additionally, Sony has been struggling financially in recent years, which could indicate that they don’t have as much money to invest in the PS4 as they used to.