The rollout of two-factor authentication for the popular messaging app, WhatsApp, has taken some time to arrive, but now it’s finally here. According to a report from Android Police, the latest beta versions of WhatsApp (for Android, and, apparently, even the Windows Phone beta) feature two-factor authentication for added security. Within the app, users need to head into Settings, where there is an obvious “Two-step verification” option right there in the list. Tapping that will take the user through the set-up process, which begins with explaining what two-factor authentication is. The next screen will have the user inputting a six-digit string of numbers in, confirming them, and then finishing up the process. Users will need to make sure an email is available to reset the password, if that is necessary at some point. With two-step verification, WhatsApp users will have an extra level of security in place. It’s used for when a new device is registered with someone’s phone number for the service. Now, instead of that person, who might not be the owner of the account, immediately gaining access, they’ll need to put that six-digit code in. Without it, there won’t be access. The new feature appears to be rolling out now, so WhatsApp users should expect to see it soon if they don’t already have access to it.