Back in September last year, WhatsApp announced the arrival of a standalone business app, testing out the service with a handful of merchants. Well, it’s here now, known as WhatsApp Business. This app helps businesses connect with customers in a more effective and efficient manner. This app is only available on Android for now and is expected to be launched on iOS soon. The app is currently available for download in a handful of countries including Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, the U.K. and the U.S. WhatsApp mentions that an expansion is forthcoming, although no specific word or timeframe was mentioned.

The app is well built and has all the details about businesses in one place. Users in India will be aware of how BookMyShow had a dedicated WhatsApp account to confirm movie/event tickets right on the user’s registered WhatsApp number. This new app will function exactly the same way with automated replies for frequently asked questions as well as the ability to order/reorder commodities at your fingertips. WhatsApp specifies that nearly 80% of businesses in India and Brazil rely on WhatsApp in some way to further their business. Keeping this in mind, launching a standalone makes a great deal of sense. The company hasn’t detailed on how it stands to profit from these accounts, but we’re guessing more will be explained in the months to come. Although WhatsApp doesn’t specify India or Brazil in its list of countries, the app should be live in these regions any day. “People will know that they’re talking to a business because you will be listed as a Business Account. Over time, some businesses will have Confirmed Accounts once it’s been confirmed that the account phone number matches the business phone number,” the company said in a statement. Download → WhatsApp Business from the Play Store