WhatsApp’s biggest competitor, Telegram, allowed sharing up to 2GB of media files in 2020. After two years, WhatsApp may also decide to add this feature. Presently, This feature is only introduced to a certain number of beta testers. After conducting this trial, WhatsApp could also make some changes in shared media file size.

WhatsApp’s New File ‘Sharing Size Limit 2GB’ Caught in Beta

For a long time, To share media files size limit was 100MB only, and WhatsApp didn’t announce to increase it or didn’t talks about testing anything related to it. Still, recently, a WhatsApp Beta tester from Argentina shared a screenshot where we can see new media file or document sharing size is up to 2GB. According to WABetaInfo, Sharing media files up to 2GB is also noticed by specific beta testers that use WhatsApp beta for Android in Argentina. This feature is currently under WhatsApp’s trial version; the feature may get some changes, and soon, we may also see this feature in WhatsApp Beta versions globally. WhatsApp might take some time to make this feature available in the main App. Still, we can wait because this feature can make it easier for users to share large files through WhatsApp directly. Besides, WhatsApp has also rolled out a message reaction feature for beta versions. This feature is very similar to Meta’s other platform, Instagram and Facebook’s message reaction feature.