From past few months, we have seen some of the new and amazing features introduced by the WhatsApp. Over the last few weeks, we have introduced some of WhatsApp’s new features and even a few tips to get the most out of this fantastic communications platform. However, according to the latest leaks now the instant messaging application WhatsApp will support an extra ordinary feature which will be known as “Picture-in-Picture (PiP)” on both iOS and Android. According to some rumors, support for Picture-in-Picture (PiP) should arrive in the next version of the application. According to a tweet from the WABetaInfo channel, PiP support on iOS will allow you to watch YouTube videos in a smaller window without leaving the application. For Android-powered devices, support for PiP will ensure better support for video calls, which are increasingly popular on this platform.

— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) July 19, 2017 Moreover, for the devices with Android Operating System, the information indicates that this new extraordinary feature will only arrive with Android O (but you can already try out this new extraordinary feature if you have the Android ‘O’ Developer Preview). The version of the instant messaging application for Android that supports this feature is now available to developers only. But, later the social media giant Facebook owned the popular and most used instant messaging application WhatsApp will soon roll out this new extraordinary feature to its all users. So, what do you think about this new extraordinary feature? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.