WhatsApp has started cracking down on unofficial Android clients for its service. While the world’s most popular messaging service was fine with their existence over all these years, it has now decided to take strict action against them. However, the company is not taking direct action against apps like WhatsApp Plus or WhatsApp MD or their developers and is instead temporarily banning users of such apps for 24 hours. The company is also redirecting users to download the official WhatsApp client from the Google Play Store and is displaying a countdown until their ban is lifted.

There is not much you can do if you have already been banned by WhatsApp as even installing the official client will not lift your 24 hours ban earlier. If you have not been banned though and are using a third-party WhatsApp client on your Android device, I’d recommend you to immediately uninstall it and switch over to the official client. As of now, it is unclear if third-party WhatsApp clients will continue to exist or they will have to shut shop. Please uninstall your application and install an authorized version of WhatsApp from ourwebsite or Google Play. Then, you will be able to use WhatsApp.