We always knew that iPhone users will soon get the WhatsApp voice calling feature, but didn’t know how soon. Brian Acton, WhatsApp’s co-founder had promised late last month that iPhone users will get the voice calling feature within a couple of weeks and he has almost kept his word. The world’s most popular messaging platform recently announced that it has hit 800 million monthly active users. No wonder it takes weeks and months to roll out a major feature like Voice calling to all the users on all the platforms. Initially, the feature was invite based on Android and only recently, it was opened up to everyone on the platform. You can expect it to be similar on iPhone as well (we will confirm soon). The new voice calling feature lets you make phone calls to your contacts, meaning WhatsApp will become more competitive against Skype. From our initial testing, the voice calling does work decently well, but has a long way to go to match Skype or Viber’s quality, but still commendable for a free app. The latest update also adds the iOS 8 share extension support, which is nothing but the ability to share photos, videos and documents directly to WhatsApp from other applications. This was clearly one of the most requested features on iPhone. A couple months back, WhatsApp launched a desktop client service called WhatsApp Web. The desktop version of WhatsApp only works for Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and Nokia S60 devices right now though. Hopefully, WhatsApp Web will support iOS devices soon.