WhatsApp, with over one billion users, is one of the most popular messaging platforms available, and now the company has just added end-to-end encryption for all of them. The messaging platform, which is now owned by Facebook, has recently announced that end-to-end encryption is now available across all of its messaging options, from texts, photos, videos, to phone calls, making all of those communication options completely secure. While WhatsApp has offered end-to-end encryption for some messaging options on individual levels, this rollout encompasses WhatsApp as a whole. This means that the company can’t access any messages, in any capacity, that are sent within the app, including phone calls. The decision follows on the heels of a highly-publicized debate between a variety of companies and the Department of Justice in the United States, which aimed its sights on Apple for its level of encryption on its iOS-based devices. This end-to-end encryption is available across all of WhatsApp messaging services, including Android, iOS, Windows 10, and more. You’ll need to have the latest version of the app installed to be secured by the encryption. A link to the app is available below. Download

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