Hence, the well-known instant messaging application, of course, WhatsApp is undoubtedly one of the best and most used private messaging apps out there. With constant news, has managed to remain at the top of the choice of users. Though everything seems to be positive for this service, of course, the well-known instant messaging application WhatsApp but the truth is that it has gone through serious problems. But, as we told like any other service it also has flaws and problems, always resolved quickly. As we told earlier that the well-known and the most used instant messaging application, of course, WhatsApp is a very complete service that allows you to have encrypted conversations, both by the message and by the call. In a world where more and more people value their privacy, this is a feature that interests a lot of people. However, now according to the latest reports, the well-known and the most used instant messaging application, of course, WhatsApp recently notified its users to draw attention to the fact that both messages and multimedia content, which are backed up to the tech giant Google’s servers, will not be encrypted. The largest social network of the world, of course, I am talking about Facebook, to which WhatsApp belongs, has made a deal with the tech giant Google to allow users to back up their conversations to their company’s Cloud service, Google Drive. So far a WhatsApp user could use Google’s Cloud service to reach the 15GB offered by the technology giant Google. But as of November 12 this year, the company will begin to offer storage on its servers without any limitations. This may sound like good news, but there is something else here. Who puts privacy above convenience, does not like online backups, regardless of who controls the servers. In addition, even if the tech giant Google keeps WhatsApp backups encrypted on its servers, it also has the access key. Therefore, this privacy and security that it tries to attain are false. However, many people are likely to take advantage of this feature if they do not mind having their data stored on the tech giant Google’s servers. But each user can choose whether or not to save the backup in Google Drive. This is another feature and WhatsApp is not intended to force anyone to use it.

Even so, backing up to Google Drive is an easy and fast way to save your conversation history and make sure you do not lose data if you ever switch devices. It goes without saying that a Google spokesperson has stated that any backups that are not upgraded for a year will be deleted from the company’s servers. In the past, WhatsApp’s encryption method was questioned by the authorities, but the team of the instant messaging application, of course, WhatsApp said the content is truly encrypted and can not be followed. Right now, after reading this news, it’s all in your hands. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.