Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite remote desktop access tools and tips; now we’re back to highlight your favorite tools and how you use them.

The two prevailing themes among all the tools suggested were pricing and ease of deployment. On that front, LogMeIn had a strong following. Mtech writes:

TrinaryOC uses LogMeIn with an additional layer:

What a company.

Teamviewer is great but prohibitive price wise for my humble salary. Also Kudos to Dyndns as our third world country doesn’t offer fixed IP addresses (except at exorbitant cost)

Logmein Rocks

When you can ensure consistent VPN/SSH access (such as when accessing your own home network) it’s definitely the way to go.

Alex’s favorite tool is a veritable Swiss Army knife:

When we checked into it we saw mRemote supports 8 total protocols including RDP, VNC, SSH, HTTPS, and more—combine that with the well organized and tabbed interface Alex loves and you have a solid and free remote connection management tool.

Finally, a popular alternative/compliment to the aforementioned LogMeIn was TeamViewer. While many readers gave it a nod, IgImAx went all out detailing the features and why he loves it:

What more can you say indeed? Clearly TeamViewer earned all the votes readers threw at it.

Check out the rest of the reader nominations and tips in the full comment thread here.