One of the recurrent themes in reader comments and one, we must admit, we didn’t expect to see with such prevalence, was the number of people who had ditched cable for over-the-air HD broadcasts. Fantasm writes:

Grant uses a combination of streaming services and, like Fantasm, manages to pull in HD content with a nice antenna setup:

Geoff uses an array of devices hooked up to streaming services to get his media fix:

Things we really miss from satellite: Discovery Channel, Science Channel, History Channel, BBC America (OK only really Top Gear) and Cartoon Network. There is no shortage of things to watch, but there are a few things we want to see that we cannot. The bill is enough less, though, that it is worth it.

The closest city is only about 60,000 people, and that is almost 20 miles away, but I still get over 40 channels from 4 different states with a really big antenna, some of them from 109 miles away.

Reading through the comments one thing becomes abundantly clear: between the introduction of over-the-air digital broadcasts and streaming internet video sources, fewer people than ever feel the need to keep $100+ cable packages. Hit up the full discussion thread for more comments.