We all have a list of really close friends, but our best friends are on the top of this list. However, certain instances and situations may prevent us from being physical with them; and it sucks to not be with your favorite person. These instances may occur when your best friend goes to college or moves to another city. When you miss your best friend, there are several things you can do. You can place a call across to them; you can write a letter to them. You can also play some games virtually or schedule a body massage together.  If it is possible, you may plan a surprise visit and show up wherever they are. The list cannot be exhausted, and more will be explained in the other parts of this article.

You may be missing your best friend because they are and have missed school for a couple of days; it may even be that they have gotten busy with work or family or kids, such that they do not have sufficient time to spend with you they used to. You may even miss your best friend because you are in the middle of a pandemic, and it is not safe for you to go out. You may also be missing your best friend because they passed away. Whatever the reason for missing your best friend, understand that it is perfectly okay to feel this way and that you are not alone.  Here are some of the things I do when I am missing my best friend. You may try out some of these methods whenever you miss your best friend or anyone at all.

Whenever I miss my Best Friend

Place a call.

Our phones come in handy in situations like these. When it feels like my best friend is miles away from me or unavailable when I want to talk, I place a call across to her. This can be either a voice call or a video call. While a voice call ensures that I hear the voice of my favorite person, a video call guarantees that I also get to see my best friend in real-time, alongside talking to her. Do not fret; there are several things you can talk about with your best friend; you can catch up on lost times by filling in the blanks and providing missing pieces of information.

Write a letter.

Letters convey our thoughts, feelings, and emotions to the receiver. They declare the intents of our hearts. You can write a letter to your best friend and have the letter delivered to wherever they are. My best friend loves letters so I write them to her as often as I can. It would be best if you tried doing the same. You may write to them inquiring how they are and if they are doing well. You may also ask questions about things you have meant to ask them since they left.

You may insert some jokes to make them laugh, even though you are not physically present with them to hear them laugh. If you are short of what to say, you may write, “Hey, I miss you, and I cannot wait to have you back here.” Writing a letter to your best friend indicates that you care about the friendship even despite the boundaries that exist and prevent you from seeing each other. It is a reminder that they will always be your best friend and your favorite person even when they are not physically present with you. 

Send a mail.

Sending a mail to your best friend is quite similar to writing a letter to them. The only difference between sending a mail and writing a letter is that the former is faster. You can decide to type it or scan it for them by mail. The contents of a mail can be the same as the content of a letter. It can be even more aesthetically appealing as you do not have to bother about your handwriting.

You can choose from the different available fonts, use emoticons and smileys, and use other typing features such as bold, italics, underline, and many others. If you are creative, you may write about them, paint them, write a poem for them or compose a song. These creative processes help you to process your thoughts and communicate them clearly to your best friend. The purpose of this is to get the message across to your best friend that you are with them in spirit and the soul, even when you cannot even be with them physically. 

Surprise visit.

If there are no tangible hindrances, you should also consider paying your best friend a surprise visit. Surprising your best friend is another great option to make use of whenever you miss them.  If they live close by, you may take a walk over to their place and hand them a plate of their favorite soup. You may also book a plane ticket and fly over to where they are.

However, you must confirm that it is not only safe for you to do this, but it is fine by your best friend. You may throw hints to see how they would react to the thought of you showing up in front of their door unannounced. By planning a surprise visit, you get to spend some quality time with them and have some amazing time together.

Buy them gifts.

That your best friend is not physically with you does not mean that you cannot express how you feel about them. You can order them gifts and have them delivered to where your best friend is. Some of the gifts you can get for your best friend include a matching necklace, an engraved pendant, a matching bracelet, a book by their favorite author. My best friend and I wear a matching necklace, and this is a perfect reminder of our love and commitment to each other, even when we are not beside each other.

What is more exciting than finding a random gift on your doorstep from your best friend? You may attach a note to the gift. Sometimes, gifts are reminders of our love and affection for a person. You do not have to break the bank to give your best friend a gift; you only need something to express how much they mean to you. The worth of the gift lies in the thought behind it. Even if it is a tiny item, your best friend is sure to appreciate it because it shows how much you think of them. 

Go out together.

There are times when you miss your best friend not because they are miles away from you but because you are both occupied with other things. They may be right next street but involved with other things that may prevent them from spending enough time with you. If this is the case, you may ask your best friend to go out with you. You may both decide to visit the mall together.

You may also book a massage session together for the two of you. This provides an opportunity to spend some time with your favorite person. The feeling of being with your best friend is indeed amazing. You may even decide to shop for some matching items during your time out and add them to your best friend collection. 

Play games.

Playing games is a leisure activity that you can have with your best friend. Depending on the games you decide to play, you may find out certain things about your best friend that you never knew. Luckily, there are some games you can play with your best friend virtually, which is perfectly suited for when they are not physically with you. You may play the question-and-answer game when you ask them certain questions, and they also reciprocate this.

You may have some karaoke via a video call, when you both may sing along to the lyrics of some of your favorite songs. If they are physically present with you, you may play the truth or dare game and many other amazing games that make you feel connected to your best friend whenever you miss them.

Go through your pictures.

Your best friend is one of your favorite persons, if not your most favorite person in the world. What this means is that you get to take many pictures with each other. During the times that your best friend seems far away from you, you can go through the pictures you have taken together and live in those moments again. Pictures are reminders of moments that we cherish and do not want to lose. We keep memories that we do not want to lose in photographs. Each picture you have with your best friend is a reminder of a time well lived, frozen in time, and you can always refer to. These pictures come in handy when your best friend is not available, and you are in search of something to fall back on.

You may print some of these pictures out if you have not. You may scan these photographs for your best friend or even post them on Instagram with amazing captions. Doing this is a reminder to your best friend about how much you guys share and how you are still very much committed to doing the friendship work, although they are not physically available at the moment. 

Reach out.

If you and your best friend cannot be together because you fought, you should consider reaching out to them. Fights, disagreements, and misunderstandings make us emotional; they cloud our judgment and perception of things. We make harsh decisions when we are angry. If you and your best friend had a terrible fight and have both not talked to each other, you should reach out to them by calling or sending a text or via any other means. You may also reach out to your best friend by consulting the opinion of a third party.

If your best friend is so pissed and does not want to talk to you, you may send a mutual friend to convey your feelings to them. Reaching out to them does not necessarily make you the person at fault; it just means that your friendship is more important than any fight. Reaching out to your best friend after a fight gives you another opportunity to make things work between both of you, and it also gives you a chance to redeem your friendship. 

Stay occupied.

Sometimes, when you miss your best friend, the only suitable option for you is to stay occupied. Although this does not guarantee that you will stop missing them, it only keeps you occupied for the moment. You may engage in other things that may keep you busy such as seeing some movies or hanging out with the people around you. Staying occupied when you miss your best friend and cannot be with them provides a means of distraction. The things you get involved in intake your mind away from constantly thinking about them may make you feel better. 

See a therapist.

Missing your best friend because they have passed away may be a tough thing to deal with alone. It may feel like a part of you has disappeared forever, and there is a hole in your heart in which nobody can fill. In such cases, you should consider seeking the help of a grief expert or a mental health expert. These people have been trained to help you deal with the situation in a positive way. Luckily, you do not have to step outside your bed to see a therapist. There are sessions and resources available for you to use online. These sessions will help you handle the feeling of missing your best friend.

In conclusion, your feelings are valid. Missing your best friend is a normal phenomenon. This article has suggested ways to bridge the gap between you and your best friend, both virtually and physically. Employ any of these methods and be sure to have an amazing time with your best friend, even when they are miles away from you. Here is a toast to more amazing years of friendship between you and your best friend.