Since an ounce is said to be the smallest unit of measurement of any weight that there is, size 34 oz is simply size 34 units of an ounce. Ounce (oz. is the symbol of an ounce) is a unit of measurement in the British imperial and US customary system of measurement where measuring is done in ounce and pound (lbs.) for weight or mass, foot (ft.), yard (yd.), mile for height, and fluid ounce (fl. oz.) or milliliters (mL) for volume. Although, this system has been largely replaced in the world by the metric system of measurement which measures length in meters and weight in grams. However, the United States, Myanmar, and Liberia still use this imperial system of measuring the weight of the material. Know more about size 34 oz.

Seven (7) Common Size Conversions Relative to Ounce (oz.)

Due to the difference in the system of measurement, ounce can be converted to grams and other units of measurement using the right conversion element.

Conversion from Ounce to Gram

According to the International yard and pound agreement of 1959, signed by the United States and countries of the Commonwealth of Nations, the international standard unit of 1 ounce is defined as 28.349523125g and its pound equivalent is 116 pound.

1 ounce (oz)= 28.349523125g = 116 pound

Conversion from Ounce to Kilogram

Convert ounce to grams.

Example:  34oz X 28.3495g = 963.883grams 

                     34 oz X 28.3495g = 21.262grams

Convert your answer in grams to kilograms.

To convert the value from grams to kilogram, divide by 1000.

963.883g ÷ 1000kg = 0.963883kg

  21.262g ÷ 1000kg = 0.021262kg

Conversion from Ounce to Pound (lb.)

It is worth mentioning that the weight of a person in the United States is measured in pounds (lbs.). 

To convert from ounce to pounds, divide the value by 16.

Example: 1 ounce = 116 / 0.0625 pound

                 16 ounce = 1616 = 1 pound

                  3 4 ounce = 34÷16 = 0.046875 pound

                  34 ounce = 34 ÷ 16 = 2.125 pounds

Conversion from Ounce to fluid Ounce (fl. oz.)

The fluid ounce is used for measuring the volume of liquid. There is no standard conversion value that defines it. However, there are different variations concerning ounces and milliliters in imperial and the US customary system of measurement respectively.

1 Imperial fl. oz. = 1 oz. = 28.4131 milliliters

1 US fl. oz. = 1.04 Imperial fl. oz. = 29.5735 milliliters

Conversion from Fluid Ounce to Milliliters (ml.)

Using the system of measurement from the conversion above, we can convert from fluid ounce to milliliter.

Using the US method of measurement, 

1 US. fl. oz. = 29.5735ml   

34 fl. oz. = 34 x 29.5735ml = 22.1801ml

34 fl. oz. = 34 x 29.5735ml = 1005.5ml

Conversion from Fluid Ounce to Liter (l).

To convert ounce to liter, one would need to convert the milliliter unit value to liter.

Using the Imperial method of measurement,

1 Imp. fl. oz. = 28.4131 milliliter

 34  fl. oz. = 34  x 28.4131ml = 21.3098ml

To convert the ml to liter, divide the value by 1000.

21.3098ml = 21.3098ml ÷ 1000l = 0.0213098l

Conversion from Fluid Ounce to Cup

The standard conversion factor widely used in the US; 

1 US fl. oz. = 18 cup  

34 fl. oz. =  34 fl. oz. ÷  18 cup =  4.25 cups

Size is majorly used in the context of the weight or mass of an object or a person, weight is measured in grams in major parts of the world while it’s measured in ounces and pounds in the United States.

What’s the difference between a gram and an ounce? 

A gram is used to measure weight in the metric system while an ounce is used to measure weight in the US and Imperial systems of measurement.

How many ounces are in 1liter of water?

There are 33. 814 US fluid ounce and 35.195 Imp. fluid ounce in 1 liter of water.

How many ounces are in one tablespoon?

One fluid ounce has two tablespoons.

What is the system of measurement?

It is the collection of different units of measurement and rules or factors relating them to each other.