You should not write your e-mail and then save it as a draft.

  1. Use a professional email address.2) Be concise and clear.3) Proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

The first step of sending an email is to compose the email.

Email etiquette is a set of rules that outline how to behave in an email correspondence. When writing an email, it is important to be respectful and professional. Emails should be concise and succinct, and should not contain any unnecessary information. It is also important to reply promptly to emails, as this demonstrates interest in the conversation.When sending an email, it is important to include a subject line that summarizes the content of the email.

You should double check that you are sending to the right person or company, that you have the correct email address, and that the email is not spam.You should double check that you are sending to the right person or company, that you have the correct email address, and that the email is not spam.

  1. Keep it short and sweet.2) Don’t use all caps.3) Use a subject line to avoid confusion.4) Proofread your email before sending it out.5) Avoid using emoticons in work emails.

One thing you should not do when sending a professional email is to send it in all caps. This will make you seem angry or frustrated, which is the last thing you want to come across as in an email.

Poor email etiquette is any behavior that negatively impacts the person or organization receiving an email. This could be anything from sending emails to the wrong person, having a poorly formatted subject line, or not responding in a timely manner.

The steps of writing an email are:Think about the purpose of the email. Is it a formal request, or just a quick hello?Start with a greeting and then introduce your subject.Provide details about what you want to ask for or tell them.Thank them for their time and consideration.