CD Baby takes 10% of your royalties. CD Baby also offers a promotion service that helps you get your music in front of potential customers and fans, and they take 20% of any profits from that.

CD Baby does not collect all royalties. It is a distributor of music and does not have any control over the distribution of the music to other retailers or streaming services. CD Baby is a one-stop-shop for musicians who want to release their own albums without having to deal with the hassle of distribution themselves.

CD Baby Pro Publishing is worth it for artists who are looking to maximize their exposure and make more money through CD Baby’s distribution network. However, the service does come with a cost, which may not be worth the expense for some artists.

CD Baby, a company that sells and distributes digital music, takes 3% of the revenue generated by each stream. Artists can use CD Baby to sell through iTunes, Napster, Spotify, and more.

CD Baby is an online store that is used by many artists, including singer-songwriters. CD Baby was founded in 1998 and has become one of the most popular music distribution services in the world.

CD Baby does not submit to SoundExchange because we are not a record label. We’re an online music store that helps musicians sell their CDs and downloads directly to fans.