At Subway the usage of genuine tuna is of utmost priority, not just any tuna but the renowned fish sandwich, which is “100% authentic tuna.

The Food and Drug Administration (DA) regulates the skipjack tuna used by Subway. It has always been high-quality, premium, and 100 percent genuine, making it a favorite among sub aficionados.

The skipjack tunas are supplied from non-threatened stock levels in fisheries duly keeping in mind the essential significance of environmentally and financially sustainable fishing. Subway also supports the implementation of independently reviewed ethical fishing techniques across the world in order to ensure sustainable fish populations. Sourcing seafood and presenting it in restaurants with suitable sustainability is done with the support of its merchants and suppliers. 

Furthermore, increasing support for the creation of marine reserves, particularly in the Pacific Commons, and aggressively advocating for a prohibition on the purchase of seafood from illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) boats, with only non-IUU vessels being strictly monitored and put to proper practice.

Subway understands the value of sustainable fishing, both economically and environmentally. Its long-term objective is to collaborate with the industry to implement more sustainable practices throughout the world, such as obtaining seafood from independently verified sustainable fisheries, supporting protected areas, and modifying its requirements. To advance its activities, the required steps toward reaching this aim have already been taken.

Is Subway’s tuna actually tuna?

As of 2022, Subway gets all of its tuna from wild-caught skipjack tuna taken off the shores of Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines. Skipjack tuna is regarded as a sustainable species of tuna and Subway maintains by its declaration that their tuna is properly sourced and authentic, despite a recent lawsuit alleging otherwise.

What kind of testing does Subway’s tuna go through?

When wild-caught tuna arrives at a delivery center, it is subjected to stringent testing to confirm its quality.

The FDA also has guidelines governing how tuna is handled, as well as the Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIMP), which tracks where fish comes from and departs.

Subway must also undergo many certifications to demonstrate the quality of its products, including its tuna. These certificates, however, include the following:

The fisheries certificate of originThe Captain’s StatementThe Catch Certificate

All of these measures are able to safeguard that the seafood supply remains adequate. Subway must follow these and other requirements in order to continue selling seafood such as tuna.

What is a Skipjack tuna?

The skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) belongs to the Scombridae family, which also contains “true tuna” like the yellowfin tuna and other Thunnus species. It has a similar look to other tuna species but is substantially smaller. Skipjack tuna is also one of the most numerous commercial tuna species, found in tropical and warm-temperate seas of the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans, where it congregates in vast shoals. Skipjack is an important species in commercial fishing. Despite being the smallest tuna species, it accounts for more than half of all tuna caught. Purse seines or pole-and-line gear are used to catch the majority of them near the surface. Skipjack tuna accounts for over 70% of all canned or pouched tuna. Its light flesh may be found in a variety of dishes, including sandwiches, wraps, and sushi.

Perks of consuming Skipjack tuna?

Skipjack is a saltwater fish with oily skin and a great source of important fatty acids, protein, minerals, and fat-soluble vitamins including A, E, and D. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are abundant in its lean flesh (PUFA). According to studies, a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acid-rich seafood, such as canned tuna, can help prevent or delay cognitive decline, dementia, depression, neuropsychiatric disorders, asthma, and inflammatory illnesses. The flesh of skipjack tuna has just 0.144 parts per million of mercury. Because of the mercury levels in its meat, the US FDA classifies skipjack as a “best option.” Skipjack is recommended to be consumed in 2-3 servings (8-12 ounces) each week.

It’s also a natural source of iodine, selenium, calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium, among other minerals. Iodine is a trace element that is necessary for the formation of thyroid hormone in humans.

Other health benefits of consuming the Skipjack tuna include:

Lower risk of Cardiovascular Disease 

The presence of high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids may assist to lower levels of omega-6 fatty acids and LDL cholesterol that can build up inside the heart’s arteries. Studies have demonstrated that eating more omega-3 is connected with lower incidences of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks.

Preventing Vision Issues

Tuna’s omega-3 fatty acids appear to benefit eye health as well. Women who ate numerous servings of tuna each week had a 68 percent decreased chance of having dry eyes, according to a survey of 40,000 female health professionals. Omega-3s are also suggested to benefit the retina’s general health.

Minimal Risk in Cancer 

The omega-3 fatty acids in tuna are also thought to decrease tumor cell development and reduce inflammation in the body. This is significant since persistent inflammation is linked to a variety of cancers.

Weight Reduction 

Tuna is a low-fat protein. It’s high in protein yet low in calories, so it keeps you fuller for longer and prevents you from overeating. In one study, teenagers who ate lean fish like tuna on a regular basis for many weeks dropped two pounds more than those who did not consume fish.

Final Thoughts

The rigorous steps taken up by Subway right after the allegations were placed before the public and it was for them to decide what’s right and wrong.

Following New York Times’ study that alleged there was no tuna DNA in the company’s product, Subway has put out a website to clarify everything about its products, especially their tuna sandwich, this approach of transparency further acts as proof to all its products. 

The website also answers queries regarding how consumers can be confident they’re getting real tuna when they buy a Subway tuna sandwich, including the quality control processes in place, according to the company.