UPS Driver release is a home delivery service that allows UPS delivery drivers to drop a shipment at a location without the receiver collecting it directly from them. This can happen because the receiver permitted it on the delivery form or the driver found a way to keep it safe for the receiver.


Signing Shipment Form: This can be defined as a form that the receiver signs before receiving the package, showing the address and agreeing to a driver release to prevent the driver from being clueless on arrival. Received by a Third-party: This involves using a neighbour or friend in receiving a package because the receiver is not present to collect it directly. In this case, the UPS driver must have contacted the receiver, and they would tell him with whom or where to leave the package.  Found a Safe Place: If the driver finds a safe and secure place to keep the package, they can choose to drop it there. This is also a reason for a UPS driver’s release.

Factors That Affect UPS Driver Release

Some factors make the use of UPS driver release stressful and not easy to exercise. They are listed below.

Lack of communication: If there is a lack of communication or faulty communication between the driver and the receiver, the driver might get to the destination and find out that there is no one or no safe place to leave the item. This might cause the driver to return with the item because there is no one to release it to.  Natural Occuences: Occurences like a bad weather or road could delay the arrival of the driver. On getting to the delivery point, the driver might not meet anyone because the estimated delivery time did not tally with when the driver arrived. If the driver had not communicted the reason for the delay, there would be no one to meet him when he eventually arrives, and he might have to take the package with him.  The wrong package delivered: when the wrong package is delivered to a consumer, the driver cannot mark that delivery as released until he locates the right delivery point.

Advantages of using UPS Driver Release

It saves time: Going to a grocery store nowadays can be time-wasting for people due to the hustle and bustle of life. For this reason, people tend to order online to save time. When their items are delivered, it is kept in a safe place for them. It allows the receiver to be somewhere different and still receive the package. This ultimately saves time. Unimportant spending reduces: If an individual goes to a grocery store to get a desired product, they sometimes get distracted and purchase numerous non-essential items. However, using a home delivery service like the UPS driver release prevents you from spending unnecessarily. Instead, you only buy what you want and save for another day. Online specials can be easily accessed: In a grocery store, you might not be able to compare dfferent items, whereas it is easier when you shop online. The consumer will be able to compare different items, depending on the features and the cost. Reduces transport cost: When the grocery store is quite far or very far from your destination, using cabs, taxis or buses will cause extra expenses to the consumer. Using a UPS delivery service saves you the extra cost.

Disadvantages of Using UPS Driver Release

Choose the item you want: Online shopping does not allow you choose the newest available kinds of stock. You are limited to only items given to you on the site. Using an online platform to shop will prevent you from having the option to select from a wide variety of items available to be bought. Delivery can be laborious: when the goods are delivered and no one is around to collect them, according to the UPS driver release the driver will find a safe place to keep them. However, it may still be exposed to being damaged and could get spoilt if it is not used or attended to on time. All things demanded cannot be received: There may be times when what you ordered is not what is delivered. Exchanging or returning the item can be demanding or tasking.


We have talked about the meaning of the UPS driver release, the advantages and the disadvantages of using it. The reasons for using it have also been discussed alongside factors that affect consumers from using it. Trust this information would guide you the next time you want to post your package for shipment or request a delivery with a UPS driver.