Avoid any cause of damage: 

Restrictions for ensuring the consumption of safe products.

Avoiding any legal issues:

Maintaining the service, image, and reputation: 

Reputation is a very important aspect of a business. Restrictions protect a brand’s reputation, service, and an image formed among the people by controlling the progressive business chain.

Pricing of the products: 

When someone uses others’ helplessness to use as their profit marketing, it gets tougher for the people to manage their lives. These restrictions prevent the seller from overpricing the products for selling when there is a product shortage in the market. 

Building and maintaining confidence:

Quality products: 

Devices used for medical perspectivesContraceptives (Oral contraceptives, etc) Some dietary supplements Products for hygiene maintenance in feminineand many other subcategories. Jewelry

WatchesJoin amazon handmade Join amazon subscription boxes Music( DVDs)Sports items Some games and toys during the holiday season(like on Christmas eve’s season) Household products Personal hygiene products 

And many more             

Now we know that ungated categories can also have some restricted subcategories as well as restricted brands. Some of the restricted or gated brands in 2022 are Apple, New Balance, Adidas, etc.

Applying To Ungate The Products

There are a few steps one has to follow while applying for ungating:

Step3- Click the option named listing limitations apply. Step4- Click on request approval. Step5- Attach the required documents.

Do’s in application

Don’ts in applications: 

Some things that you should avoid doing in your application.

Informal:  Avoid using informal language with others, as it may decrease your chances of getting approved. Disrespect: Do not use disrespectful language. Incorrection in details: Type correct details. Incorrect details may lead to disconnection. Fraud invoice: This should be a valid invoice with all details. Avoid late shipmentsMinimize the defective rate of your products

In Case Of Violation

Your listing privileges can be suspended. Limiting your listing privilegeMay remove all the listing privileges altogether. Cancellation: They can cancel your listing privileges


  1. What is ungating?

  2. How can I ungated some products?

You can follow the 5 steps 

         Step2- Click on the inventory 

         Step 3- Select the product 

         Step4- Click on listing limitation

         Step5- Click on request approval 

There are no decided rules about how the products are selected for gating. Certain products are gated according to categories, subcategories, and brand.

  1. What are the documents that are required after those 5 steps?

  2. Invoice that has contact details of your supplier.

  3. Monetary fee 

  4. Letter from the manufacturer or your wholesale supplier ( if you have your supplies from wholesale)