Does Uber have a pet policy?

Yes. Uber allows pets in their vehicles, and importantly rides are to note that it is not just all pets allowed in their cars; hence they have terms and conditions. Before going further into what these pet policies set out by Uber. Following U.S state and federal laws and those policies placed by Uber, service animals are allowed to tag along with their riders. On their website, Uber clearly states that pet-friendly rides allow you to bring your pet to any destination without any extra charges, and regardless of whether it is a “pet-friendly trip” or not, by federal and local laws, you are allowed to have your service animals accompany you to your Uber trip. In short, in accord with federal and local authorities, Uber has formulated a package that allows riders to bring along their friends or service pet on their Uber rides without suffering any extra cost. So don’t be alarmed by all these terms, such as laws, authority, or policies. Briefly, policies set rules or instructions as to how you should carry your pet for the safety of both you and the driver. 

2.1 Uber pet policy

As explained above, through the program, their Uber App riders can request the “pet-friendly trip” or the average Uber ride for the service animal and bring along their pet to their next ride to the hospital or going to run track at the park. Of course, there are set policies for these rides, and passengers need to adhere to them. For example, riders are always encouraged to bring a towel with their pet to protect the vehicle’s seats. Below I have listed all Uber pet policies to help you know what is expected and make your next Uber ride more convenient. 

Riders are only allowed to bring one pet on their trip. The driver might make an exception. Riders need to contact the driver beforehand.  All riders are responsible for their pet, and they should always travel with friends from point A to point B. Rides must have their pet on a leash, easing safely getting in and out of the car. The Uber pet policy makes no exceptions due to allergies, religious objections, or a generalized fear of animals. Uber pet-friendly or everyday Uber rides are in line with States and federal laws. Uber pet policy also prohibits drivers subscribed to their Uber driver App from denying service to a ride due to their service animal.  Drivers who discriminate against service animals are in defilement of Uber’s Pet Policy and may lose their Uber driver App privileges. A service animal is regarded as an animal trained to work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. In line with state and federal legal requirements, riders with service animals are exempted from providing documentation to the drivers. If not a service animal, riders must ensure that their pets/animals are classified as domestic pets.  If the rider faces any challenges between them and the driver, they need to file a report from the Uber Rider App by navigating to the “I want to report a service animal issue” pageRiders riding with a service animal are not obligated to pay cleaning fees for hair or shedding from a rider’s service animal. Uber drivers are prohibited from refusing to help riders with a disability in packing their assistive devices like a wheelchair, crutches, canes, and walkers.

3 How do the “Uber Pet-Friendly Rides work?

It is said that the pet-friendly rides work similarly to what is known as the UberX rides, only with the presence of an animal. Riders could also earn an extra pet-friendly rides fee for just accepting pet-friendly rides. When traveling with a pet, riders are advised to alert the driver in advance and constantly be precise on their type of animal size, and breed. Uber’s Pet Policy But also they should bring a blanket or a crate to reduce the risk of damage or messing the vehicle.


We are very cautious of our pets when we travel with them. This article has covered the detailed dos and don’ts when traveling on Uber rides. It expressed what Uber’s policy is and how travelers can make their journey trouble-free for them and the driver. The article briefly explained why and how Uber incorporated their pet policy for the convenience of both the driver and their ride. These policies are pet friendly and allow riders to travel easily with their furry friends and riders. 

How do I request the Uber pet-friendly ride? Pet-friendly rides are directly requested via UberX. Tap on customizing UberX and add pet-friendly rides.  What types of pets can I travel with? Primary for dogs and cats, however, some types of animals are deemed domestic, and service animals are allowed.