Photoshop has six layers.

A layer is a group of image files that are used together to create a photo. Photoshop has three types of layers: Image, Text, and Mask.

There are three types of layers in Photoshop: Background, Foreground, and Mask.

Photoshop has three layers: the background, the layer that is currently being edited, and the layer that is being used for the photo.

A layer is a type of material that is put together to create a structure. There are many different types of layers, such as metal, plastic, and paper.

There are three types of layers: physical, chemical, and electronic.

Layer One is the default layer in Photoshop. It is the topmost layer in your image and it contains the image data. Layer Two is a custom layer and it can be created by dragging and dropping an image into a Photoshop document.

Photoshop is a program that makes it easy to create images. Layers are important because they help to organize your work.

Photoshop has a built-in sample all-layers feature that lets you quickly create a set of files that represent the different types of layers in your document.

Photoshop is a program used for creating digital art, photos, and illustrations. It is known for its ease of use and ability to create complex designs. There are several different versions of Photoshop, including Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Photoshop Suite, and Adobe Photoshop CC.

Layers are used to create different levels of opacity in a photo or image.

The layers panel contains the following: Layer 1: The layer panels header Layer 2: The layer panel content Layer 3: The layer panels’ children

A layer mask is a tool in Photoshop that lets you selectively add or remove layers from a photo.

To edit layers in Photoshop, use the following steps: 1. Open Photoshop. 2. On the left side of the screen, click on the Layers palette. 3. Click on the Edit button. 4. In the Edit Layer dialog box, change the name of the layer to something other than “Layer 1”. 5. Click on the OK button to close the Edit Layer dialog box. 6.