Search engines don’t see your site, they crawl the website and index the content. They use a number of factors to determine how well you rank on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Crawling is the process of looking at every page on a website to find out what content it has. Indexing is when Google looks at all the pages on your site to see how many are relevant to search queries.

The five most commonly searched items on search engines are people, places, things, news, and images.

Google is the most popular search engine because it is a reliable and well-known company.

Search engines use a variety of factors to determine the results to display. These include the ranking of the page, how often it’s been accessed, and how many links point to it.

Search engines are websites that allow you to search for information on the internet. The two most popular search engines are Google and Bing.

Crawled pages are all the pages on a website that have been indexed by the search engine.Crawled pages are all the pages on a website that have been indexed by the search engine.

A web crawler is a program that automatically browses the internet and gathers information. The most popular Python web crawler is Scrapy.

No, the Google spider is not a real spider. It is a program that crawls the web to index pages and create a searchable index.

Google is the most popular search engine in the world. It has a market share of about 90% of all searches on the internet.