TikTokers are currently taking part in what’s known as the Lay Me Down test, yet what is it about? Peruse on to discover.


What is the Lay Me Down Challenge on TikTok?

The name may cause a stir, however it’s not as unusual as it sounds. Essentially, clients need to sing Sam Smith’s hit melody “Lay Me Down” so as to demonstrate that they have vocal range. For instance, an individual would sing the melody in at any rate three distinct octaves, beginning with lower singing extents (like bass or tenor) and end on a lot higher notes, similar to soprano.

The test should be possible a capella or alongside an instrumental rendition of the tune. Be that as it may, others have made the test their own by collaborating with individual artists or transforming it into a family issue, where others can either blend or sing the melody independently in various octaves.

TikToker Aleigha Blair collaborated with her companion for a really epic two part harmony, and the Sharpe Family Singers did a pleasant family version for their fans. Notwithstanding, this isn’t the main way that clients are participate on the test. Some have really transformed it into a trick by recording themselves serenading their family members or sentimental accomplices out of the blue. Also, folks, the responses are really humorous.

Who started this challenge?

As indicated by TikTok, the main individual to commence this test was German client Erik Formosa. In June, he transferred a video of himself singing piece of the tune in various octaves and it got 748 perspectives. Be that as it may, in spite of the fact that it didn’t really circulate around the web, it positively started an enormous pattern.

A few different TikTokers (fundamentally artists) found out about the test and followed his lead, accepting the open door to exhibit their singing reach. Also, presently, it’s viewed as one of the most mainstream challenges in 2020.

Here’s how you can be a part of the Lay Me Down Challenge

The #laymedownchallenge hashtag as of now flaunts almost 36 million perspectives on TikTok, however it’s not very late to join the fun in case you’re tingling to test your vocal aptitudes. It’ll unquestionably be to a greater degree a test in case you’re not a very remarkable vocalist, obviously, it never damages to attempt.

Essentially, you just need to record yourself singing the theme, beginning from the most reduced conceivable range that you can deal with. At that point, rehash that chorale twice more, however take it up one and two octaves separately.

The vast majority stay with the line: “Lay me down today around evening time/Lay me close by,” yet you’re allowed to get imaginative with it, regardless of whether it’s utilizing an alternate piece of the tune or attempting a two part harmony with another person.

As much as we love our TikTok challenges (that aren’t unimaginably perilous or hostile), it’s very invigorating to see one that fixates on clients with astonishing voices. Keep the singing difficulties coming!